Thank you for the Jefferson County Sheriff Department for continuing to keep our school safe and free of contraband. No issues were found.
Attention parents and 8th grade students going to MVTHS
FOCAL (Field Organization for Civic and Academic Leadership) hosted the annual Ballin' for a Cure Basketball game and raised nearly $800 for the American Cancer Society.
If you ride Mr. Rincker's bus (bus # 15) and are picked up south of Divide your pickup time will be 5 minutes later in the morning than it was this week.
El Ranch Tacos & More
PeeWee cheerleading practice for today has been canceled.
Parents/Guardians of 4th -8th Grade String Students!
Field C.C.S.D. # is looking to hire a health aide for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year. Applicant must have a valid para license with the State of Illinois and trained to perform diabetic care plans. Salary is $20/an hour. Interested applicants please send resume, 3 professional references, and a copy of para license to or mail to Jennifer Arnold 21075 N. Hails Lane Texico, IL 62889. Applications accepted until December 12, 2024.
Girls 5th-8th grades! Volleyball open gyms Mon, Dec 2 (4:15-5:15) & Wed, Dec 4 (4:30-6:00). Tryouts Wed, Dec 11 (4:30-6:00).
ATVs and More, Inc.
More parade pics
Mrs.Miller's 5th grade celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! We studied the history of the parade and then made our own parade balloons.
Happy Thanksgiving! We are so thankful for our students and the Field community. There will be no school November 27th-November 29th. We look forward to seeing our students on December 2nd!
A way to help others this season.
If your child is a bus rider, please be looking for a bright orange half slip of paper with your child's bus route that may have a change of bus driver and/or change of time for morning and afternoon starting December 2, 2024. Attached is a sample note that went home. If there are any questions, please call the school.
The remaining blanket orders from the Booster Club fundraiser will be distributed to students on Tuesday. If you do not want your order sent home with your student, call the office no later than noon on Tuesday and make other arrangements.
Children’s boot found in front parking lot of school.
There will not be robotics practice on Monday, November 25th. Please watch events calendar for additional dates added in December for practices.
Picture retake day is tomorrow, November 22nd. JV & Varsity basketball & cheer photos will also be taken. Please make sure your student has their uniform with them as photos will begin first thing in the morning.
Friday, November 22, 2024 Mr. Prosise's bus will be running approximately 45 minutes late. Sorry for the inconvenience. This is for AM route only.